Portfolio Analysis Tool
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Report Title
Advisor Driven Model Transition
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Solactive GBS United States 100 Index
Solactive GBS United States 500 Index (S&P 500 equivalent)
Solactive GBS United States 600 Index (S&P 600 equivalent)
Solactive GBS United States 1500 Index (S&P 1500 equivalent)
Solactive United States 1000 Index (Russell 1000 equivalent)
Solactive United States 2000 Index (Russell 2000 equivalent)
Solactive United States 3000 Index (Russell 3000 equivalent)
Solactive GBS Global Markets Large & Mid Cap Index (MSCI ACWI equivalent)
Solactive GBS Global Markets ex US Large & Mid Cap Index (MSCI ACWI ex US equivalent)
Solactive GBS Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap Index (MSCI World equivalent)
Solactive GBS Developed Markets ex United States Large & Mid Cap Index (MSCI World xUS equivalent)
Solactive GBS Developed Markets ex North America Large & Mid Cap Index (MSCI EAFE equivalent)
US All Cap Value Tilt
US All Cap Value Tilt + International
US Large Cap Value Tilt
US Small Cap Value Tilt
S&P 500 Index
Gains Budget
Flow Type
No Flows
Security Gifting
ESG Overlay
A violation of either the provided capital gains budget or wash sale rule may occur if positions are force sold to align the portfolio with the selected ESG screen(s).
Please hover over each theme for a brief description
Screen Packages
Social (continued)
Addressing Systemic Racial Bias
Animal Testing
Animal Focus
Animal Non-Pharma Testing
Environment & Climate
Animal Pharma Testing
Gender Equality
Anti-Israel Companies
Birth Control
Controversial Environmental Impacts
Child Labor
Fossil Fuels
Controversial and Predatory Lending
Fossil Fuel Inventories
Country of Conflict - Iran
Intense Carbon Emissions
Country of Conflict - Sudan
Nuclear Power
Country of Conflict - Syria
Nuclear Power (Clean Energy)
Discrimination in the Workplace
Oil Sands
For Profit Prisons
Shale Oil & Gas
Fur and Fur Retail
Thermal Coal
Faith Based
GMO/Genetically Engineered Products
Baptist Faith Values
Human Rights Issues
Catholic Faith Values
Human Trafficking
Islamic Faith Values - Shariah Compliance
Jewish Faith Values
Military & Weapons
Methodist Faith Values
Opioid Crisis Involvement
Mormon Christian Faith Values
Pork Industry
Program & Code of Conduct
Auditing & Accounting
Stem Cells
Board Accountability
Tobacco (ESG)
CEO Compensation
Weapons - All Armaments
Diversity/Women's Leadership
Weapons - Controversial Arms
Weapons - Conventional Military Arms
Weapons - Small Arms
Adult Entertainment
ESG Focus
Animal Farming
High ESG Risk
Ticker Restrictions
Please hover over each restriction field for a brief description
Ticker No Hold
Ticker No Trade
Ticker No Buy
Ticker No Sell